Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Day 14 Powder Sgrafitto Drawing Challenge - Fear Factor

Day 14 assignment was to draw our fear factor.  I thought about this for awhile since there really isn't much I'm afraid of.  If I had to name something I guess those gross spiders would be it.  I'm not as afraid of them as I used to be but the sight of them on my wall still does get my adrenaline going.  I just know that once I turn off the light it will come down from the wall and wreak havoc on me...

The only thing worse than finding a spider in your room is losing a spider in your room, lol!
The only tool used on this sketch was the business card.  I had to tear small strips to get to the smaller spaces and when doing that it left a curled up edge which became useful for distributing the powder for shading.  Cool discovery!

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