Monday, January 5, 2015

Day 5 Powder Sgrafitto Drawing Challenge - Speedy Hands / Zebra

Day 5 was speedy hands again.  I combined this with trying to learn how to draw a zebra.  Some were not good at all, lol but I did realize more and more control with each successive drawing.  My aha for today is less is more.  I think I got too tied up with trying to make sure the powder was thick because it's ingrained in us that frit needs to be 1/8th inch thick to fire.  I made out much better when I added just a little bit of frit at a time rather than sift the powder all over and then take away.  This is evident in the progression of drawings.
1st attempt:

2nd attempt:

3rd attempt:

4th attempt:

5th attempt:

So, I wasn't able to complete the drawing I wanted in 5 minutes but I was happy with the way this last one was developing so I decided to finish this one.  After taking a critical look at it I think there are some minor touch ups to make and then I will fire it.

Finished Frozen Zebra :

 Frozen Zebras is the team name of my children's Polar Bear Plunge Team, and I made this from their fb banner.  Each year, the first Sunday in February marks the Lewes Polar Bear Plunge and the Frozen Zebras plunge in the icy Atlantic Ocean to raise money for the Special Olympics.  I am the official towel holder and photographer :)

Since the whole animal wouldn't fit on glass, I took away the back and legs before I fired.

First Firing:

I then added clear glass to the back and slumped to make a little vessel.

Perfect for a ring dish, or a tea bag holder!

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